

  • 20 MHz/30MHz Dual channels.
  • 10 times sweep magnification.
  • TV synchronization, X-Y mode.
  • High luminance, internal graticule CRT.
  • Japanese electronic encoder, light, handy and reliable.
  • Fully sealed long live vertical mode switch.
  • ALT triggering function. Two independent signals simultaneous observation.

Frequency Modulation and Demodulation (Model: AC-02)

  • To study how the modulating signal changes frequency of the carrier rather than amplitude and observe the frequency modulated waveform.
  • To observe the changes in carrier centre frequency and to observe the frequency deviation, and to observe how the phase lock loop can be used for FM demodulation.

  • This unit consists a built in power supplies of +12V,-12V@300mA Along with Carrier generator using 8038 IC with fixed frequency 50KHZ and fixed amplitude. And the direct method is used for modulation circuit with RC combination.
  • And also phase lock loop 565 IC and Op-amp 741IC is used in demodulator circuit.
  • Set of 2mm patch cards and user manual is accompanied with this kit.
Optional items required:
  • Dual trace CRO DC-30MHZ.

Balanced Modulator trainer (Model: AC-03)

  • To observe the output double side band, with a suppressed carrier signal.
  • To verify the input audio level directly affects the double side band output amplitude.
  • To observe the output is minimum with Zero audio output.
  • To measure carrier output and the peak side band output, and to calculate the carrier suppression.
  • This unit consists a built in power supplies of +12V,-12V @300mA
  • Along with Balanced modulator circuit.1496 IC is used as balanced modulator. Two potentiometers are provided to vary the carrier suppression.
  • Set of 2mm patch cards and user manual is accompanied with this kit.
Optional items required:
  • Dual trace CRO DC-30MHZ.